Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Blooming II

"How we are brief lived in the scheme of things--
with what mattering most being, not longevity, 
so much as the measure of our blooming,
the grace we carry by raising an open face to...whatever may come."

It's helpful to remember this in times like these and always, really.
Life is so fragile and temporary.
I often catch myself falling into the rut of "taking it for granted",
forgetting that it could all vanish in a blink.

Magnolia blossoms are an excellent metaphor.
Many times I've marveled at their splendor one day
only to find brown husks the next after a cold snap.

May we each be bestowed with "grace to raise an open face to
whatever may come."

NOTE: This is an excerpt from a longer poem
With a photo of the tree she mentions, Michelia yunnanensis, now known as Magnolia laevifolia. 


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