Thursday, August 22, 2024

Never, Never Be Afraid

"...especially if the well-being 
of a person or an animal is at stake."
 (I would add the well-being of our planet to this list.)

"Society's punishment's are small compared to the wounds
we inflict on our soul when we look the other way."

This is when doing something is called for.
I am pondering the best way to "do something" 
when so many things are amiss.
It requires discernment and common sense, doesn't it?
It is overwhelming to encounter what is needed.  
It seems each of us must narrow our focus to right where we are.
Beginning inside our own body in our current landscape,
at the center of our being with compassion and encouragement.
If we listen closely, we will hear our unique call to action.
We are in this together.  We can do this!
We can keep growing in dignity, true justice and mutual respect.


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