Thursday, August 8, 2024

What If My Joy?

Sophie Strand impresses me with her ability to
express original and compelling thoughts and ideas. 
It often requires two or three readings to let her view sink in.

My "joy, ease, bodily ecstasy" contained 
"somewhere past my skin silhouette". . . ?
This idea dazzles me.  
Of course, I think.  Why not?
How often have I found joy through a rainbow,
a waterfall, the call of  barred owl, 
a shaft of light slanting through the forest?

"What if the ways our bodies adjusted to trauma,
trespass and illness. . .was often deeply creative?
See what I mean?
She turns things around and upside down...
giving a fresh perspective
brimming with possibility and potential.
Thanks be for folks like her who alter our 
neural pathways into better ways of thinking and being.



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