Thursday, August 15, 2024

The People Are What Matter

While I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment,
people are not the only living beings who matter.
I would exchange the word people with creatures.

The key word for me is "all".
The more I grow, the more I see how
arduous and how simple this attitude is.
If your decision is harmful to our waterways, 
the air we breathe, the food we eat, the trees and plants...
then its harmful to all living creatures. 
Those who are incapable of seeing this need to be corrected.
There is much needing correction in our world. 
This is our mission...those of us who recognize this point of view.
  We're moving toward this...together.
Temporary setbacks will not stop our progress.

PS:  Frances Perkins with thanks to Heather Cox Richardson


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