Tuesday, April 30, 2024

My Hunch Is That Joy

Imagine it!!  
"Unboundaried solidarity."
What would that look like?
Feel like?
What if we could live without fear of "the other"?
Or befriend fear as a useful consultant
but not the top decision maker?
We're all in this together as citizens of Earth,
as tiny specks in this vast Universe.
Why not live in "unboundaried solidarity"?


Monday, April 29, 2024

Where Attention Goes

"allowing ourselves to be with the unknown"
I'm getting a tiny bit better at this as I am "growing" ie: aging.
The trick is to dispel the sense of trepidation
toward what the unknown holds.
There's typically a sense of bracing myself
for whatever challenge is pending.

Enjoying what is, in the present moment.
Finding delight in the small, sometimes silent,
often insignificant at first glance, 
does not happen automatically.

It's something that is honed over time, I'm thinking.
A collection of delights embedded within our skin
to accompany us throughout our days.

Memorized in our hearts, like an inner coach, 
at the ready with whatever we need in the moment...
encouragement, comfort, confidence or consolation...
reminding us we matter no matter what.


Friday, April 26, 2024

What Happens If Joy

"what if joy is what emerges from how we care for each other
through pain, suffering and sorrow?"

As much as I want to embrace this wholeheartedly,
I find myself with some questions.
Some of us are born into roles of caretaking others.

How do we care for ourselves in the midst 
of our own pain, suffering and sorrow?
How many of us withdraw or numb down
so as not to inflict our burdens unto others?

How many of us spend our time attending to,
trying to anyway, the pain, suffering and sorrow
of others at the expense of our own wellbeing? 
In my experience, it can be overwhelming.

The thought of joy emerging from caring for others is enticing
yet I feel a sense of caution 
being exquisitely familiar with the influence of guilt;
and my experience of  how the easily
the scale can get tipped off balance. 

I can't help but wonder if this is a gender role issue 
yet I know guilt does not differentiate.

It seems to me an extremely mindful practice is needed
to navigate this territory at the borders of our own wellbeing
and the wellbeing of those within our orbit.

I love the idea of this and marvel at those
who are able to care for others with grace and generosity.
I deeply appreciate their presence among us.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

What Do You Love?

"We are all commonly tender."
It's my opinion that naming what you love is
more difficult for men/boys as, until recently, many have
been programmed by society NOT to show tenderness.

What do you love?
I notice he doesn't ask who.
There's a significant difference. 
My list of who I love is long, rich and delicious.
What I love is the rush I get learning something new.
Especially something new AND useful.
Immediately useful is top notch.
This might be a companion practice
to listing gratitudes. 
They're the same, don't you think?



Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Luminous, Mycelial Tethers Between Us,

Each time I read this, it sinks down deeper...
reaching tiny tentacles into my tissue,
burrowing its way into every cell, every molecule, every atom.

It took some time to absorb this phrase:
"the holding through the grief joy is"
I couldn't wrap my head around "the grief joy is".
It finally settled into the stark
and I do mean stark, reality of grief.
 I am finally able to grasp joy holding us through grief.
The joy in the outpouring of love from those around us
when we are shredded by the tragedy of loss;
"The luminous, mycelial tethers between us", 
joy in the recognition of the love at the core of our grief,
weaving and wending its way through our landscape,
connecting us with total strangers in our common humanity.

Joy holds us as our Earth holds us...
in the midst of all that is wrong,
at the heart of all we cherish,
at the center of our sorrow,
holding us through our grief.

We belong to each other...
we are in this together.



Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Final Definition of Fix

Greetings on the day of the April 2024 Full Moon.

"Isn't the point of beautiful art...a person...a life... that
it is unfixable and unfixing? And that it unmoors us,
calls into question what we thought we knew 
and  who we thought we were?"
I never thought of beautiful art in these terms.
These words cause shivers inside my bones.

"art asks more that we could ever answer"
Long ago I was introduced to the phrase,
"learning to live with the questions".
It is attributed to Rilke although it came
to me via a spiritual director in one of my former lives.
I've carried it with me ever since.
Now, Ross Gay has thrown it wide open 
by connecting it to the process of making art,
by learning about myself by living my life.
It empties me out....turns me into nothing...
the nothing that is everything.


Monday, April 22, 2024

Art As Something You Wonder About

I'm "delighted" by so much of what 
Ross Gay has to say in this book.
For someone rather set in her ways,
his words open doors and windows
I didn't realize existed.
I feel myself being beckoned
into unknown territory while
being reassured that I've been
heading there all along...

That those stuck places
aren't really stuck...
those apparent dead ends still breathe;
they're in the process
of growing and ripening 
and dare I say 
What they need is
belief in their value and tender attention.



Friday, April 19, 2024

Each Word Is A Portable Cathedral

"in the roots of words, we find a portal to the mycelial web 
of invisible connections undergirding our emotional lives."
Her ability to craft and weave together sentences is
a wonderment to me.  It intrigues me to consider word origins
as a doorway to a "mycelial web of invisible connections".
May they also be a guidepost to new and better ways
to use words in the service of 
decency, honesty, integrity, goodness, and real justice.



Thursday, April 18, 2024

Because We Know Their Power

"We ask of words to hold what we cannot hold."

How many times do words fail us against the ineffable reality
we are experiencing in any given moment?
We certainly give it a valiant effort, yet its destiny is to fall short.
This happened just yesterday in trying to convey 
caring and compassion and concern for a friend.
I often wonder if it's best to simply send invisible, silent 
waves of love and not attempt any words at all.
Especially when you're in a situation 
where you can't be there in person.
And they're engaged in one of those 
too-big-for-words complications.
However words are what we have, 
regardless of how incomplete and incompetent.
They are part of the intricate, amazing profusion of energies
we call life...sit for a moment and ponder the miraculous,
enchanting, astonishing, breathtaking and breath making
wonder that four letter word points toward!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Words Are Events

In a scene from Franklin, where his printing press 
has been destroyed, and he's picking up the letter tiles
from the floor, he fervently implores his grandson, "do you know what these are?"
"They are power!" 
I've been harboring it when I came across today's quote. 
"They feed energy, understanding and emotion back and forth and amplify it."

We are witnessing this is stark terms these days, are we not?
False words feeding and amplifying power, or so it appears on the surface, right?

Here are my questions.
What words of dignity, fairness, and equality 
do we use to counter and squelch false yet power-filled words?
Are true words feeding 
energy, understanding and emotion 
AND AMPLIFYING THEM in equal or greater measure?
Is a heartfelt and holy silence a counter revolution
that could invalidate the false words and formally put an end to them?
Am I longing for a fantasy world that isn't likely in a landscape including humans?

Isn't it ironic that the fear of being ruled by a mob is creating a mob?
Isn't it ironic that the behavior leading to this belief, ie: rioting, looting, street violence;
which is born from centuries of "put-down" ...something those perpetrating the Big Lie
are now getting a taste of ... are responding to in an identical manner, ie: rioting, looting
and street violence, ie: January 6?

May TRUE words triumph over falsehoods.



Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Never Quit Sounds Great

Here's something comical...

I shared a post by Michell Clark
earlier in the year...
"Be the person who still tries. After failure, after frustration, 
after disappointment, after exhaustion, after heartache,
 be the person who musters up the courage to believe 
that a new attempt can manifest a new outcome. 
Be the person who still tries.”

Isn't this rich?  Pretty much the polar opposite advice!
I love the irony of it.  

There are times when keeping at it fits
and times when quitting is the best option.
The choice is ours. 

May we choose wisely in the present moment;
open ourselves to a full range of possibilities;
and allow ourselves the permission to change course
if the situation warrants it.



Monday, April 15, 2024

Science Has Taught Me

To "derive happiness from discovery".
Perhaps in addition to noting delights,
noting discoveries would be an intriguing exercise.
It's a counter balance to the repeating pattern of the familiar.
Some added spice to the old family recipe. 

"Carefully writing everything down"?
While I know this would be grand,
success doing so has eluded me.
I wonder if writing it on my heart
and etching it into my memory 
would suffice?

It just now occurred to me that 
if memory fails, 
 what did manage to get written down
would be a discovery to add to the delights.
Reading old journals would become both discovery and delight.



Friday, April 12, 2024

The Lives of Fungi

I feel as though I'm being led this morning.
First it was this image by Angela Faye Martin.
Thanks Angela!  I love this.
Then this quote which has been in my pending pile for a while.
Which led to today's thought which mesmerizes me.
Sheldrake's illustrated book is now on hold at the library.

Searching for a proper photo to use as a backdrop
 lead me to this quote:
"Fungi are the latest addition to human menagerie,
 joining bacteria and viruses in forming the teeming, 
biological kingdom-spanning superorganisms of our bodies." Brandon Keim

It's always a rush for me when various threads weave together in this way.
They tendril their way through space and time 
in an apparently random, disparate, disconnected manner;
 (Sheldrakes book came out in 2020, 
Angela visited Hambidge in March, I saw the photo this morning
Keim's quote was written way back in 2012!)
to end up in my landscape in what seems like a 
perfectly orchestrated, coherent manner.

I'm enchanted by the idea of being 
"jolted out of well worn patterns of thought" 
and being "led into new ways of thinking".

I hope you can follow my thread of thought!


Thursday, April 11, 2024

I've Been Absolutely

 If being terrified is what it takes to make great art,
there must be some amazing pieces  
coming to life in studios across the globe.

Gratefully, I have not been "terrified every minute of my life".
That could be from not paying enough attention or 
from paying too much attention and going numb.  
Who knows? Who cares?
It is what it is.

For me, the main take away is:
"never let it keep us from doing a single thing we want to do."

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Be A Weed

Finished a book (Half Built Garden) 
where the Dandelion Network forms
a Watershed Consortium and
saves the earth from extinction.
So I'm posting this in hope of making an imaginary tale a reality.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Approach Ourselves With Compassionate Understanding

The truth of this keeps spiraling around and around.
How many of us genuinely enjoy our own company?
 Can we do so in the solitary dark of a sleepless night?

For me, that is where it requires the most robust concentration.
After all these years, I hope I'm making progress.

I intended to share this quote today:

"Remember, remember, this is now and now and now.
Live it, feel it, cling to it.  I want to become acutely aware
of all I've taken for granted." Sylvia Plath

However, the irony of those words being spoken by someone
who took her own life confounded me.
How I wish she could have learned to 
"live with her original beauty".

It's a hefty reminder to cuddle close 
in those dreary moments when we're "mired in self doubt."




Monday, April 8, 2024

The Reason We Gather For The Solar Eclipse


I pay more attention to eclipses since 2017 
when we experienced a total solar eclipse right here.
It was an enchanting delight.
Am I the only one who didn't know they always occur 
at a new moon and are followed by a lunar eclipse 
about two weeks later at the full moon?
It's the geometry of the planetary movements, so of course.
It's fun and mildly embarrassing to learn new things at my age.

I'm reminded of this quote by Angela Faye Martin:

"Was this a signal to humanity to observe that balance is possible and that 
even a (relatively) small, white orb can blot out a powerful giant 
punctuated by the visual silence of a dark new moon? 
I also think of the respite that new moons afford wildlife; 
less predation + less crazy, in general. 
"Take notice of the little things," the moon seemed to be saying. 
Give shelter, if you're a mighty moon.Any effort is momentous."


Friday, April 5, 2024

Each Of Us Is Several

Rosemerry's poem "Making Peace With My Inner Fire Fighter"
came to mind when this quote I'd tucked away awhile back 
circled around to my attention.

I'm more and more curious to identify all these various
creature selves living within the terrain of my psyche.
It makes me realize, with chagrin, how much time I spend focusing on 
what's going on outside of me...or on my screen.  

Way, way back, I remember reading about Hokemah's table
where one is invited to gather her inner family
and seat them around the table of her imagination. 
I got as far as envisioning the table, 
the room it was sitting in, and the door.

Perhaps this is a nudge to spend some time
with those who are milling around waiting to be seated?

I'm betting one of them is related to Rosemerry's firefighter!!



Thursday, April 4, 2024

No More Apologies

There are times I have wondered about my heart
due to my strong avoidance of difficult feelings.
It's made me wonder if it was made of cement.
However, I know with every centimeter of 
my cement heart, that my humanity is intact.
There needs to be a word for the mixture of
helplessness and fierce rage felt simultaneously.
It may look like detachment from the outside.
Inside its a molten vat of lava.  

I say "no more apologies, for being who we are."
No atonement is required for that.
Unless we are the one requiring it from ourself.

As I say those words, a thought comes to my mind.
What about those I believe need to be making enormous apologies
(and amends) to man and womankind and our Earth?
How to reconcile** the wrongs being perpetrated
on innocent beings today, not to mention across history?
Sitting with this is a puzzlement, an enigma, a conundrum.

** There needs to be another better word than reconcile which means to "make peace with" or "adjust". I don't want to do either. Alternate words like grapple and wrestle sound too war like to me.  

We need a word for fierce (and productive) dissent; and another for relentless (and effective) resistance.  


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Bats Can Hear Shapes

Isn't this lovely?
If we look to the natural world
we will find a way to fix this mess.
Talk about feeling 
"heavy and weightless with the absurd
beauty of it all."

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Work of a Mature Person

To grow spacious enough to carry
both deep sorrow and exquisite joy.
As time moves forward and mine
grows shorter here on this earth,
gathering every gratitude becomes 
a key ingredient to this spaciousness.
My wish is to find my own version of maturity
in the space between cynicism and pollyanna;
between despair and indifference where
 deep grief is felt as keenly as delight.
And compassion knits everything together.


Monday, April 1, 2024

It's The Job Of A Lifetime

Isn't this the truth?
What's especially interesting is 
identifying whose voice the echo belongs to.
And what mood they were in when they were speaking.
I seem to have an entire choir...with many, many male vocals...
or maybe its only my father singing in harmony with himself?
(He was almost always parroting churchy utterances.)
What a delight to discern your own true voice...
maybe humming quietly from a secret place,
hidden down deep in the delicious darkness
or shouting loudly in a solitary spot
where no one but you can hear.
Or maybe it's "heard"
through the people you care for,
by the works you perform,
 the images you make,
the gardens you tend,
 the meals you create,
 how you express your loves.
I know its magnificent
whenever or wherever you find it.

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(graceplays at gmail dot com)