Sunday, February 28, 2021


This feels appropriate after yesterday's silence.  
Infinity has been a fascination of mine since I was seven years old.
It continues to confound me as it fills me with wonder.
There is so much we do not know.
May our hearts remain open to expansion and evolution.
May we, as humans, continue to grow toward goodness.


Friday, February 26, 2021

Porous and Multilingual

I confess, I'm not sure I want to be more porous and multilingual.  
It often feels like there is already so much nuance and subtlety to absorb, 
it feels overwhelming. . .even stupifying.  
I guess that's where the agreements and disagreements come into play?
I'll be pondering this thought for awhile.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

What Words Would Love

Today, I would love to be a river.  "Where the silence of time becomes almost audible."  May I find the way to live my life as one...metaphorically.  kastilwell

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Wild Desire for the Question

 As I go about my typical routine, day after day after day, I ask myself how much of my thinking has really changed?  Have I discovered any new doorways?  Explored possibilities on my very familiar horizon?  I'm noticing how much of my movement follows a set pattern.  

Contemplating ways to shift things up a bit even as part of me welcomes habits.  They keep me grounded and centered.  It's a tango. (Or maybe a slow waltz).  A friendly exchange between the familiar routine and some new dance steps.    kastilwell

Monday, February 22, 2021

A Real Conversation With The Landscape

I'm in the midst of The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah.  So far it has served up a SHARP attitude adjustment about what it means to suffer hardship.  I will recall this story whenever I feel the slightest bit sorry for myself.  This is NOTHING compared to what others have endured.  NOTHING.  

Which brings me to the idea of "a real conversation with the landscape".  Although there are those whose work converses intimately with the earth, there are many of us whose work is at least a step or two removed from the natural elements.  Wouldn't it be something if we could find a way to return our work (and our play) to the elements described in this quote?  It's far easier to do so here in these mountains.  How can those living in cityscapes connect their work and their play to the natural world?  It seems it would take some intense focus and creative connections to do so.  But I believe it can be done no matter where one lives or what one does for work. kastilwell


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Live Like A River Flows

 Far easier said than done.  
Reflecting on the ways 
a river misbehaves.
Overflowing banks.
Flooding basements.

Pondering its various moods.
Savage with storms,
Quiet in calm,
Carrying away debris.
Pooling in deep spots.
Flowing around obstacles.
Creating new paths;
deepening old ones.

Always a marvel of
fluid beauty
capable of
a fierce kind of power
to refresh and rejuvenate.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Stories From Our Landscape

I believe we women are recovering our stories from 
whatever piece of earth we are rooted in at this moment.  
So many of us are doing our part to evolve humankind to a new level of existence. 
To heal and honor our planet, our universe, and our systems of governance.
May we continue the conversations and actions leading to 
deeper truth,
truer justice,
and a just equality
for all living beings 
and the ground we live on.


Friday, February 19, 2021

Dark With Silences

This quote reaches deep, deep down inside me in ways I do not welcome.  
How many times have I experienced the unnatural silences?  
The termination of a creation due to factors I was unaware were working against me?  
Factors such as fear, embarrassment, uncertainty.  
The circumstances I was born into programmed me to seek "perfection".   
Perfection with an arbitrary, abstract and "unnatural" definition. 

Rather than being programmed for "perfection", 
if I could go back and choose my programming, 
I would have it be a welcoming of imperfection.  
It would applaud the awkward attempts 
to bring what is yearning to live within me 
into the open where it could survive and thrive 
or cease to be in a natural way.  
Meanwhile, I hold the silences like a crucifixion in the hopes 
they will lead me to encounter the same path Jesus found.  


Note:  (My first choice of words to begin this were "man oh man" then "boy oh boy".  I've rejected both.  Why do I do that?)

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Be Willing to Stand Out

 This quote has been on my radar for a few days.  Yesterday I was confronted with the tension of the conflict inside of me about it. 

Case in point:  I've been using cardboard boxes as mulch and weed block around the yard and in the garden for a few months.  Ideally, it would be hidden by a layer of leaves but over the winter, the cardboard is on full display.  Not as pretty as I would like but I've endured it due to its usefulness...(function over form).  A workman came yesterday to tend to an issue we were having and asked what all the cardboard was for.  (I didn't consider it any of his business).  My partner told him I used it for mulch.  "There sure is alot of it", was his reply.  

Hearing about this exchange immediately sent me into my automatic, programmed response of wanting to go clean up all the cardboard due to the "disapproval" (of a stranger! ) I've been wrestling with this since it happened.  I mentally took myself by the shoulders, looked myself in the metaphorical eye and said, "are you going to let someone else dictate how you live your life?" 

So, like the quote says, I'm practicing living my fullest life regardless of what anyone might say or think. I'm learning to live into a conversation where there are those who question and criticize me and staying true to myself in spite of it.  It's cardboard for pity sake!  But it sure does make for good practice material.  


Note: Image by Gilbert Stuart

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Stream That Waters The Night

Even though my programming dictates it as a waste of potential and time,
 following the thread of what I'm doing is something I'm rather proficient in.  
Another instance where thoughts matter.
I'm documenting this quote as a reminder.
To shift the critical voice to one of trusting the flow.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

No Simple Key To Peace

It might be time to examine how I define peace.  
After these past months of 
drama, disruption, and dismantling, 
peace doesn't feel adequate to me.
I find myself leaning toward cultivation,
attending to the environment...
the global environment, for sure
but also my inner environment.
Peace feels like a centering;
a return to rootedness
in the natural order of things. 
It feels like a review of values
a discernment of priorities;
and a recommitment to intentional living.
It feels like an invitation 
to a curious conversation
and an ongoing exchange 
with all the elements and experiences
crossing my path,
and entering my personal orbit.
It has a rhythm and movement 
a play of darkness and light
a steady pulse.
A pull of expansion. 
An activation.
An overflowing.


Monday, February 15, 2021

Wisdom as Water

I don't completely agree with this quote.
I agree that Wisdom is like water.  
In my mind, Wisdom overflows containers.
Wisdom cannot be captured.  
In my mind, churches 
(and individuals and societies) 
have attempted
to capture and contain Wisdom 
from the beginning of time.  
In my mind, they have failed to do so.
That's where mystery and awe
and wonder enter.
It is what remains beyond
 walls and words.
Beyond containers.

Sunday, February 14, 2021


 Noticing the friction...the tense, frozen, pressured and confused places within and without.  
Exploring them with curiosity and acceptance...or attempting to...
without judgement...censure...dismissal or disdain.  
Welcoming them, even, as signs of the third way, 
beyond the duality, the either/or of automatic thinking. 
Turning my sights in hopeful anticipation of what is coming to life.  
A world where truth, real justice and collaboration 
are no longer wishes 
but reality for all. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Law of Three

 This concept immediately ignites my tension of the opposites.  
As I reflect on my desire to banish the perpetrators of the attack on our democracy, 
I am thrust right into the thick of it.  
Everything in me wants "them" cast out.  

The Law of Three turns that around and upside down. 
I am now looking at my own need to obliterate "them".  
Wondering how there could possibly be a field of possibility 
large enough to contain this fierce and fertile friction.  

Yet, the idea is intriguing and enticing.  
Wars have been fought and 
countless people have suffered and died 
in the name of us versus them;
in the inability to harness the tension. 
Isn't it marvelous to imagine a new way 
where there is room enough and grace enough 
to welcome the tension,
welcome the friction,
recognize the opportunity
and create something anew?
Let. It. Be.


Friday, February 12, 2021

Path of Water

 Water has me fascinated right now.  
I've been envisioning myself turning to liquid 
in order to soften and melt the hard and painful places within.  
A walk in the pouring rain yesterday had me observing the many paths 
rainwater was taking along the side of the road.  
It has me pondering when water rushes and when water forms a puddle.  
When it diverges into tributaries and when it makes a straight shot down the slope. 
The power of water has many facets I want to explore.
  The human body is 60% water.  
It feels rather like coming home to myself.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

I Am Water

Recently, I've been envisioning myself as liquifying.  
Imagining the stiff and frozen places within
melting into liquid, flowing into the ether. 
(Yes, the wicked witch of the west crosses my mind.)
It's been a wonderful falling asleep tonic.  
Yesterday, I used it while walking to see if it would help some 
painful areas recently activated. 
The pain didn't disappear but 
it did diminish and I was grateful.  

I love the idea of liquifying...
Rigid, inflexible places
letting go of 
what is holding them bound.
Releasing them into
a new form.
Seeping into the soil
surrounding them.
Moistening the clay.
Cleansing the rocks.
In conversation
with the ground
around me.

 PS:  Happy 20th to a special someone.  

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Dynamic Tension = Immense Creativity

 I'm thinking about cycles these days.  
Cycles and contradiction and the tension of the opposites.  
It helps to think of the discomfort we're feeling these days as dynamic tension.  
It is reassuring to imagine this crucible of disequilibrium 
is the womb of creativity where a new world is being formed. 
(Someone immensely dear is celebrating a birthday today.)

This quote comes from "When Women Were Birds" by Terry Tempest Williams

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A Wand and a Weapon

 I get a chill and a thrill when I read this.  She discusses how she uses a pencil because it allows her to erase and replace words until she's satisfied with her "magic" (my word).  This was supposed to go out yesterday.  Life has been a tiny bit topsy turvy this week so far and its only Tuesday!  kastilwell

Sunday, February 7, 2021

My Voice Dwells Within Silence

 I hope to find my voice hidden beneath the staunch silence 
almost always drowned out by persistent chatter and distraction 
even in these quiet days.  
I will add strength training to my will-power, 
starch to my determination, 
patience to my practice, 
and courage to my spine.
I must remember to wrap 
a blanket of tenderness 
across my shoulders
for every awkward attempt.  

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Deserves To Be Heard

 I am finding myself re-enthralled with TTW's "When Women Were Birds".  
However, a question arises as I contemplate this quote.
What if the voice is spewing lies and hatred?
Does it still require the act of listening?
I'm not so sure about this.  
Continuing to ponder.  


Friday, February 5, 2021

Voices Within Us Begin


 I've heard the first voice we heard was our grandmother's 
since the egg we are created from is present in the womb of our mother 
while she is in her own mother's womb.  
This egg is present five months prior to our mother's birth.  
I find this a mighty "fertile" thought!  
This quote is from a book titled 
When Women Were Birds; Fifty Four Variations on Voice by TTW.  
As my mother's life on earth winds down, 
and her voice dissolves into memory loss and confusion, 
I treasure the idea that her strong, clear voice still lives in my cells. 
I have no conscious memory of my maternal grandmother 
but I've heard enough about her to know 
I am fortunate to have her voice 
reverberating within me as well.  

Notes:  Want to calculate the vintage of the egg you came from?  Take your mother’s date of birth and subtract about 20 weeks.That’s true because unlike males, who constantly generate sperm after they hit puberty, girls are born with their one and only lifetime supply of eggs.  Around the 20th week of gestation, a female fetus has developed a reproductive system, including 6 to 7 million eggs in her ovaries.The matrilineal line looks much like a nested Russian doll.The egg that created you was formed inside of your mother’s fetus while she was inside of your grandmother’s womb.  

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Strongest Kind of Hope

I would not call this kind of hope sad.  
Might it be that spiraling back into yourself is the preferred way?
Might it take us to the most intimate and unique pieces of ourselves?
I believe our gift to this world lives there.
Walking a different path yesterday 
helped me realize that my life's path is a spiral 
rather than a straight road...
it goes out and circles back in a 
mysterious cycle of darkness and light,  
growth and hope.



Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Empty Spaces

 I don't know about courage
but I do know about empty spaces.
It's a new way of thinking to 
acquaint the often painful empty places
with courage.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

It's Worth It

 After a night in the throes of wakeful discomfort,
it's good to be reminded "it's all worth it".
Even when feeling decidedly distant from worthy.
Dwelling on how impermanent everything is
helps in bearing the momentary lack of bliss.
It helps to put it in perspective. 
Letting go of the debris of what has passed.
Embracing the "full draft" of what is 
in whatever vehicle it presents itself.

Monday, February 1, 2021

The Earth Calls Us

 Having an administration treat our Earth
with the attention and action so necessary
and so long overdue is heartening.
May we all do our part to rectify
our past mistakes in attending to her.
May we collaborate in restoring her to health.
Hope is a vital energy.