Tuesday, February 9, 2021

A Wand and a Weapon

 I get a chill and a thrill when I read this.  She discusses how she uses a pencil because it allows her to erase and replace words until she's satisfied with her "magic" (my word).  This was supposed to go out yesterday.  Life has been a tiny bit topsy turvy this week so far and its only Tuesday!  kastilwell


  1. It's interesting to read her analogy of a pencil (that you can erase); it's a lot easier on a keyboard, I find, but I normally write on a keyboard (unless it's some form of daily journaling or gratitude practice!

    1. This raises an interesting tension for me. I used to begin my pieces with a pen and paper but have definitely moved over into the digital world. There are many advantages--yet I concede that there is an element of physicality with a pen that is hard to duplicate with a keyboard. Daily journaling and gratitude practice WOULD be a good place to continue with a pen...however, I have found I use my Day One journaling app for that as well.
