Friday, February 5, 2021

Voices Within Us Begin


 I've heard the first voice we heard was our grandmother's 
since the egg we are created from is present in the womb of our mother 
while she is in her own mother's womb.  
This egg is present five months prior to our mother's birth.  
I find this a mighty "fertile" thought!  
This quote is from a book titled 
When Women Were Birds; Fifty Four Variations on Voice by TTW.  
As my mother's life on earth winds down, 
and her voice dissolves into memory loss and confusion, 
I treasure the idea that her strong, clear voice still lives in my cells. 
I have no conscious memory of my maternal grandmother 
but I've heard enough about her to know 
I am fortunate to have her voice 
reverberating within me as well.  

Notes:  Want to calculate the vintage of the egg you came from?  Take your mother’s date of birth and subtract about 20 weeks.That’s true because unlike males, who constantly generate sperm after they hit puberty, girls are born with their one and only lifetime supply of eggs.  Around the 20th week of gestation, a female fetus has developed a reproductive system, including 6 to 7 million eggs in her ovaries.The matrilineal line looks much like a nested Russian doll.The egg that created you was formed inside of your mother’s fetus while she was inside of your grandmother’s womb.  

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