Wednesday, July 3, 2024

That We Can Wonder

"Wonder is the religion nature invented long
before we told our first myths of prophets and messiahs"...
I wonder if humanity can employ this wonder
invented by nature, to wrest power back
from the misguided forces at work in our world today.
I wonder if we, ordinary citizens, can use
this gift of wonder to fuel our dissent and restore democracy...
for each of us to find our own particular and singular way to push back...
with vigor and resolve.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Matter Yearning For Meaning

I'm wondering what would happen if all across America,
citizens gathered at courthouses in vigorous dissent of a king?
I wonder if the vision...the dream of a world
where all humans are equal, treated with dignity
and free to be who they are created to be,
to love who they love, to worship as they choose...
I wonder if that vision with all its flaws and failings, 
the one that has survived and thrived for 250 years,
will overcome this assault?
I wonder if human beings with strong disagreements
can still find ways to work things out together 
for the well being of ourselves, our neighbors and our planet?
I'm wondering if we are up to the strenuous task
of preserving and improving our democracy 
against the forces determined to blot out the vision
of liberty and justice (and equity) for all so a select few can dictate?
My answer to these questions is a heartfelt YES.
Yes we are, yes we can and yes we must!


Monday, July 1, 2024

Half Of Life Is Lost

"Charming others"...a nice phrase, isn't it?
I've seen many quotes advising us
not to be controlled by what other people think of us 
and I know this is a healthy point of view. 
However,  aren't we born social creatures?
Don't we come into this world completely helpless?
It's no wonder we care about what others think of us
considering our survival depended on it when we arrived
and will most likely be the case as we depart?
It's a tall order to "leave this play".
We might want to cut ourselves a little bit of slack.
I vigorously agree to making choices based on
our own deep convictions regardless of other's opinions;
with the caveat that its beneficial to keep an open mind and allow
ourselves to consider our own blind biases 
and unconscious prejudices.
It's complicated, isn't it?
How about let's be kind 
to ourselves and each other?