Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Naming The River

I love this description of how temporary and ever-changing and amazingly beautiful we are.
There are times it feels like I am made of concrete so it's good to remember
how fluid and effervescent things are.
The river keeps returning...reminding me we are the same...
connected and flowing...always progressing, always replenishing and renewing.


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

There's A Way

Perhaps this is why brute forces work so hard to divide us from each other.
They intuitively know the power of entanglement and it terrifies them.
Their mistaken notion of their own individual importance takes precedence
over the importance of others.  
They "own" their land so they can do whatever they want with it;
missing the point that "our" land is exquisitely entangled 
with the land next door and the ecosystem downstream.
Nothing we do does not affect the world around us.
We may think we alone have the power to affect the outcome
but the reality is we are not alone.
Sometimes its giving up one's individual power that unleashes the
floodgates and releases the vast power of the people...the river of goodness.
It may be triggered by one person's actions yet its the response of others
that makes it strong and enduring.
May those of us who see the truth of our entanglement with each other
and the natural world we live in form an invincible web 
of dignity, liberty and true justice for all beings.
May those who are confused see the error of their ways.

What is most satisfying is that entanglement endures.
It finds a way to survive and thrive no matter how bleak the circumstances.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Cherish Your Solitude

"Cherish your solitude."
I'm always surprised, when I get a day to myself, how
luxurious it feels up until it doesn't. 

"Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you're doing here."
It feels like this should have been taken care of by now, but that's not necessarily so.

I read a piece today talking about "reckless abandon".  
I like that phrase in the abstract but acting on it is a different story.
I'm always surprised by the deep down, wrapped in a warm blanket feeling
I get navigating the familiar and comforting (some might say boring) 
routine of my ordinary life.

I recognize there might be great value to stepping outside the lines
and letting go of my expectations to simply experience life as it comes
without judgment or censor.
To actually open the window to the unknown 
without constructing it to my preferences.
To venture into truly unknown places and experiences.
Simply going somewhere without my phone would qualify!


Friday, July 26, 2024

World, World

These words convey something of the anguish I suffer
when contemplating the harm humans continue to inflict
on our precious planet through ignorance, error and apathy. 
It gratifies me to acknowledge the efforts we've made in 
attempting to correct our mistakes and rectify our behavior.
Yet, there is still so very much to do.

May I one day know the beauty of mosquitos,
ticks, chiggers, poison oak and ivy, yellow jackets and copperheads, etc.
Actually, I know something of their beauty...from afar...
at a distance where I can observe without painful consequences.
It's much more preferable to read about their attributes.
Learning to live in mutual respect is the key and the objective, I believe.

I am pondering the generosity of our she finds ways to
 adapt and evolve from our misuse when given the time; 
decades, if not eons of time to recover.

May we find ways to utter our thanks in return.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Even Now

 "radiant things are bursting forth in the smallest nooks
and deepest cracks of the hidden world."
Oh, how I cherish this reminder...
to pay attention to the "smallest nooks and deepest cracks"
Where are my/your small nooks and deep cracks?
They are inside as well as outside ourselves, aren't they?
It's this consistent scanning that directs my days and my gaze.
I often forget to think small, to think insignificant on the surface;
to think ordinary and mundane and then smile at the naïvete'.
"I mean to keep looking every single day until I find them."
It's a recipe for astonishment.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Definition of Home

"I took myself to the woods."
This is splendid advice no matter what prompts you to go.
Over twenty years on, I recognize this is exactly what I did
and its saved me in more ways than I can count.
Having to abandon it recently due to physical drawbacks
has been a challenge and a renewal of my devotion.

Homesickness remains as a thread in the tapestry of my life.
There's no such thing as "getting over" the loss of precious loved ones.
I have found that if I listen closely, they might accompany me in the woods,
or in the garden, or when I'm gazing out the window.
"Enlarging the definition of home" seems vital to the process
of growing through our years toward that time
where we will be the one accompanying our 
living loved ones as they "take themselves to the woods".


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Not Trying To Hide

"I need to give my attention to a realm that is indifferent to fretful
human mutterings and naked human anger, 
a world unaware of the hatred and distrust taking over the news."

Isn't this the antidote?  
To give our attention to the realm indifferent
to our outrage and our fear? 
To focus on birds and plants, trees, sky and weather?
All seemingly oblivious to what keeps us awake at night.
Of course, this attention is often followed by a desire to
protect and conserve the precious gifts nature provides.
As in all things, a sense of balance and acceptance is called for. 
The arduous act of witnessing the brutality of the natural world
as well as the human world is part of the story even when we 
prefer to avert our gaze; to avoid those paragraphs.  
"Heartbreakingly beautiful" 
describes our world precisely, doesn't it?


Monday, July 22, 2024

Merely By Breathing

 This quote moves me into an inner space I welcome and cherish.
It echoes a poem by Rosemerry Trommer with a similar message.

"What lies before me is not all there is."
May I carry this reality in my bloodstream.

"That time is ever passing, and not only when I notice"
Embroider this into my skin among the marks of its truth.

"That strife and pain are no more unexpected than pleasure and joy."
Remember to allow each to have their way with me in equal proportion
while leaning into pleasure and joy.

"That merely by breathing I belong to the eternal."
A thought that takes my breath away...
and gives it back again and again.

I can feel the river of goodness strong this morning even
as I mourn the treatment of a fine, fine man who deserves better.

Friday, July 19, 2024

What If Resting?

"What if the real act of holiness?"
I/We have been so well trained that action is what matters.
This thought takes some time to try on and become comfortable with, doesn't it?
"the gift of our only life in this gorgeous world means taking time..."
We keep hearing this...why is it so challenging to accomplish?
What is it about the push to "get it done" that has such a hold on me?
If one really thinks about it, we're already "getting it done" simply by breathing!
Imagine that!?

"...we can't be of much use if we remain in a perpetual state of exhaustion and despair."
The despair word again.  We shall not give in to despair!


It has been a true delight to gather back nuggets of wisdom from  The Comfort of Crows by Margaret Renkl. A treasured group of friends and I have shared our journey through this book
over the past several weeks. I've been moved to tears, overwhelmed with sorrow, 
overcome with joy, overflowing with gratitude and deeply impressed with her skill as a writer and her beauty as a human being as I revisit these thoughts.
I hope it will be similar for you over the next few days as I share tidbits to savor slowly.
To add to the bliss, there are exquisite drawings included in the book by the author's brother.
(PS:  I receive no commission for this) I hope it will be as fruitful for you as it is for me.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

I Have Never Been

These words are a tonic for me today.
I relish them vibrating in my cells.
I will not confuse rage with despair.
I take notice of things worthy of rejoicing.

Keeping hope alive is my task and my purpose.
I remain a rookie student of the universe...
where hope never fails to be available.
Each new day arrives with a promise...
and dissolves into night and another day.
The earth revolves in steadfast rhythm,
the cycle of life and death continues.
Look to the small and seemingly insignificant.
There is majesty there.
We are gifts for each other.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Most Important Part of Your Life

This pauses my "How To Know A Person" sojourn.
Thanks for traveling along with me this far.
It has me thinking deeply about how I want
the rest of my life to unfold.
How I wish to grow.
What I hope to harvest.
What's possible?
So, instead of focusing on what's fading,
I'm attending to what's emerging.
What goodness is waiting to be born?


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

When You Plant Lettuce

"If you understand, and you show
that you understand, you can love,
and the situation will change."

This thought leads me to remember...
Showing I understand does not mean I agree.
It does not mean I don't stand up for what I value.
The loudest voice in the room does not have to run the show.
In fact, it may be a warning sign to listen more carefully.
Its the soft, gentle, whispers breathed into our hearts
that hold the wisdom and guidance for each of us.
If I can learn to listen beneath the surface chaos
to that determined sense of justice...
that spacious allowance for what is and what can be...
that discerning yes and no to my next small step...
I can find my way through the cacophony and confusion.
May I remember to listen deeply.


Monday, July 15, 2024

On Social Media

 Social Media is blamed for many of today's turmoil.
While there is  truth to this, I don't believe it covers the whole picture.
Personally, I enjoy reading what family and friends post
regarding the triumphs and tribulations of their lives.
When I see someone in person, something they shared on social media
is a starting block for what feels like a more engaging conversation
than the usual..."How are you?", "I am fine." trope.
I also enjoy the access to other's creative endeavors as
it tends to spark my own.  I welcome this input.
These may be small matters in the bigger picture
however, surely there's a way to enhance the positive aspects
while diminishing the more ominous negative ones?

Friday, July 12, 2024

Human Beings Are Like Rivers

Unsettling as this may be to ponder,
I find this reassuring and even inspiring.
Certainly, there are human qualities I find repugnant,
yet, there are others that dazzle me.
It also delights me to think of the ecotones of a river
and wonder where I'm finding myself in a moment of time.
Am I in a narrow section of the river?
What is the state of my water, clear or muddy?
Am I running cold or warm right now?
A healthy river is powerful and priceless. 
It deserves and requires attention,
consideration, and the support of those around it.
 I'm recognizing this more and more as I grow.
How healthy is my river? 
Is it being harmed or helped by outside forces?
What can I do to enhance its well being?
It's a charming reverie as well as a sometimes harsh reality.



Thursday, July 11, 2024

Our Schools And Institutions

Has our world become so technological, emphasis on logical,
that our humanity is no longer relevant?
People visiting health professionals report
the practitioner so focused on data and time
they scarcely look up from their charts. 
They report feeling like a unit rather than a human.
Brook discusses how friendships and close relationships
have diminished over the past few decades.

"The number of close friendships Americans have appears to have declined considerably over the past several decades. In 1990, less than one-third (27 percent) said they had three or fewer close friends, while about as many (33 percent) reported having 10 or more close friends.[7] Only 3 percent said they did not have any close friends.

Something comes to mind as I write this--
Are some of us reducing some friendships 
in order to get in better touch with ourselves,
in a move to becoming more authentic?
Could this be a sign of healing?

It saddens me to think that the Humanities
are becoming marginalized.
Doesn't it feel like our survival depends on this?
I'm wondering if we are in a period of recalibration.
May it be so.  
May we find the clearest channel for ourselves and each other,
increasing our well being in the process.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Every Person I Meet

"Every person I meet is fascinating on some topic."
This book has been something of a revelation for me.
I'm humbled to realize how often I miss opportunities
to really see and get to know others.  
I get so focused on my own plan of action,
I completely miss the magic of getting beyond the surface...
the surface where all my assumptions and inbred bias reigns.
I shield myself from all the energy coming toward me
mainly out of a need to cope and also so I can listen
to the messages from my own inner sanctum.
It's might be an overly defensive stance to take.
What if I viewed the outside world as more open and friendly?
It's worth consideration, don't you think?
I know I avoid interactions with others, especially strangers,
mostly so I can accomplish the plan I have going on in my head.
This book is an invitation to try something different.
To be open to the possibility of letting go of my own agenda.
It's a balancing act.
I do not want to be living my life at the whim of others but
being someone who regards others with respect and interest
could be like traveling to new destinations and 
encountering unexpected adventures.
Why not?


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Greatest Thing

I sincerely believe this is what the majority of us are doing.
Everyone has their own way of going about it.
That's what makes things interesting and
why its important to understand rather than condemn.

(Even though I vigorously condemn certain behaviors and value systems,
I confess I do so without putting much effort into understanding...
It takes far less time and effort to condemn.)

Which circles back around to the encouragement
from entities such as  The Slow Down, and several others called The Pause,
not to mention meditation guides,  yoga practitioners and other body practices 
designed to bring us into alignment with the silence inside ourselves.
The pace of our world can be paralyzing to our souls.
I'm renewing my intention to slow down, 
to trust in the majority of my fellow humans,
to do what I do as best I can.


Monday, July 8, 2024

The Real Act

How's this for a life time of concepts to focus on?
I'm thinking this is how human beings are evolving.
What if I'd grown up being taught these instead of commandments?
It would have been nice to encounter this word map for life in my 20's.
Seeing the news from France and England is reassuring and 
renews my belief in the goodness of humanity at our core;
or I should say from our hearts.


Friday, July 5, 2024

If Anyone Is Going To Appear

How's this for taking responsibility 
for our own care and well-being?
"that person is always going to be you"
Right now, it feels like that person--me,
needs millions upon millions of other "me's"
to help bring this world into proper alignment.
If each one of us takes this message seriously,
I sincerely believe, our world will be vastly improved.
May this be the beginning of a massive murmuration.


Thursday, July 4, 2024

We Hold These Truths

On this Fourth of July in 2024 when our democracy is
on the precipice, I am exquisitely grateful for historians, two in particular.
Heather Cox Richardson has been a voice of reason and sanity
every day since the political earthquake of 2016.
Last night, we listened to Allan Lichtman
who has been studying the presidency for 50 years.
What he had to say was impressive and echoed Heather.
We are in critical times.  
As much as I'd like to fall asleep or bury my head
and wake up to read the story of how we saved democracy,
I/we are actually living this...and we are the ones saving it...together.
We have reached the turning point of the plot and its up to us
to determine the rest of the story.
I recommend listening to the historians.
Happy Birthday to American Democracy
may you recover from this crisis and live long and prosper.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

That We Can Wonder

"Wonder is the religion nature invented long
before we told our first myths of prophets and messiahs"...
I wonder if humanity can employ this wonder
invented by nature, to wrest power back
from the misguided forces at work in our world today.
I wonder if we, ordinary citizens, can use
this gift of wonder to fuel our dissent and restore democracy...
for each of us to find our own particular and singular way to push back...
with vigor and resolve.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Matter Yearning For Meaning

I'm wondering what would happen if all across America,
citizens gathered at courthouses in vigorous dissent of a king?
I wonder if the vision...the dream of a world
where all humans are equal, treated with dignity
and free to be who they are created to be,
to love who they love, to worship as they choose...
I wonder if that vision with all its flaws and failings, 
the one that has survived and thrived for 250 years,
will overcome this assault?
I wonder if human beings with strong disagreements
can still find ways to work things out together 
for the well being of ourselves, our neighbors and our planet?
I'm wondering if we are up to the strenuous task
of preserving and improving our democracy 
against the forces determined to blot out the vision
of liberty and justice (and equity) for all so a select few can dictate?
My answer to these questions is a heartfelt YES.
Yes we are, yes we can and yes we must!


Monday, July 1, 2024

Half Of Life Is Lost

"Charming others"...a nice phrase, isn't it?
I've seen many quotes advising us
not to be controlled by what other people think of us 
and I know this is a healthy point of view. 
However,  aren't we born social creatures?
Don't we come into this world completely helpless?
It's no wonder we care about what others think of us
considering our survival depended on it when we arrived
and will most likely be the case as we depart?
It's a tall order to "leave this play".
We might want to cut ourselves a little bit of slack.
I vigorously agree to making choices based on
our own deep convictions regardless of other's opinions;
with the caveat that its beneficial to keep an open mind and allow
ourselves to consider our own blind biases 
and unconscious prejudices.
It's complicated, isn't it?
How about let's be kind 
to ourselves and each other?