Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Every Person I Meet

"Every person I meet is fascinating on some topic."
This book has been something of a revelation for me.
I'm humbled to realize how often I miss opportunities
to really see and get to know others.  
I get so focused on my own plan of action,
I completely miss the magic of getting beyond the surface...
the surface where all my assumptions and inbred bias reigns.
I shield myself from all the energy coming toward me
mainly out of a need to cope and also so I can listen
to the messages from my own inner sanctum.
It's might be an overly defensive stance to take.
What if I viewed the outside world as more open and friendly?
It's worth consideration, don't you think?
I know I avoid interactions with others, especially strangers,
mostly so I can accomplish the plan I have going on in my head.
This book is an invitation to try something different.
To be open to the possibility of letting go of my own agenda.
It's a balancing act.
I do not want to be living my life at the whim of others but
being someone who regards others with respect and interest
could be like traveling to new destinations and 
encountering unexpected adventures.
Why not?


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