Tuesday, July 16, 2024

When You Plant Lettuce

"If you understand, and you show
that you understand, you can love,
and the situation will change."

This thought leads me to remember...
Showing I understand does not mean I agree.
It does not mean I don't stand up for what I value.
The loudest voice in the room does not have to run the show.
In fact, it may be a warning sign to listen more carefully.
Its the soft, gentle, whispers breathed into our hearts
that hold the wisdom and guidance for each of us.
If I can learn to listen beneath the surface chaos
to that determined sense of justice...
that spacious allowance for what is and what can be...
that discerning yes and no to my next small step...
I can find my way through the cacophony and confusion.
May I remember to listen deeply.


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