Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Not Trying To Hide

"I need to give my attention to a realm that is indifferent to fretful
human mutterings and naked human anger, 
a world unaware of the hatred and distrust taking over the news."

Isn't this the antidote?  
To give our attention to the realm indifferent
to our outrage and our fear? 
To focus on birds and plants, trees, sky and weather?
All seemingly oblivious to what keeps us awake at night.
Of course, this attention is often followed by a desire to
protect and conserve the precious gifts nature provides.
As in all things, a sense of balance and acceptance is called for. 
The arduous act of witnessing the brutality of the natural world
as well as the human world is part of the story even when we 
prefer to avert our gaze; to avoid those paragraphs.  
"Heartbreakingly beautiful" 
describes our world precisely, doesn't it?


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