Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Greatest Thing

I sincerely believe this is what the majority of us are doing.
Everyone has their own way of going about it.
That's what makes things interesting and
why its important to understand rather than condemn.

(Even though I vigorously condemn certain behaviors and value systems,
I confess I do so without putting much effort into understanding...
It takes far less time and effort to condemn.)

Which circles back around to the encouragement
from entities such as  The Slow Down, and several others called The Pause,
not to mention meditation guides,  yoga practitioners and other body practices 
designed to bring us into alignment with the silence inside ourselves.
The pace of our world can be paralyzing to our souls.
I'm renewing my intention to slow down, 
to trust in the majority of my fellow humans,
to do what I do as best I can.


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